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Yachtmanagement für einen sorgenfreien Betrieb Yachtmanagement und -Beratung

A luxury yacht is a significant investment; whatever the size, yachts are valuable assets and require a carefully crafted management service, from rigorous financial management to employing a trusted crew and running a well-orchestrated diary. Our superyacht management services ensure that your yacht is maintained, operated and administered to the highest possible standards, leaving you free to enjoy your time on board with family and friends.

As a highly reputable yacht management company, Ocean Independence provides seamless and exceptional shore-side support to make certain that all aspects of your yacht maintenance are dealt with safely and efficiently. Our highly qualified Team have skills, knowledge and experience across a comprehensive range of services. From cost control and maintenance, to every aspect of your yacht’s operation, we act with efficiency, transparency and, of course, accountability.

If you are considering commissioning the construction of a new build yacht or refitting an existing yacht, we also specialise in providing yacht project management services. We have been successfully involved in the new construction and refitting of some of the world’s most iconic yachts and have excellent and extensive relationships with the very best shipyards, designers and naval architects around the world, allowing us to provide you with the highest level of service.

Unsere Yachtmanagement-Dienstleistungen

Operational Yacht Management

Operatives Yachtmanagement

Bei Ocean Independence optimieren unsere Yachtmanager jede Facette des Yachtbesitzes für unsere Kunden, Kapitäne und Crew. Mit einer 24/7-Erreichbarkeit sorgt unser Team für eine tägliche Crew-Koordination und den reibungslosen Schiffsbetrieb.

Yacht construction

Neubau- und Refit-Management

Unser Yachtmanagement-Team ist spezialisiert auf die Organisation von Neubauten und Yacht-Refits. Mit ehemaligen Kapitänen, Schiffsarchitekten und Ingenieuren garantieren wir eine pünktliche, kostengünstige Projektabwicklung mit unübertroffener Qualitätskontrolle. Mit unserer langjährigen Erfahrung in der Zusammenarbeit mit Top-Werften und Designern haben wir dazu beigetragen, die ikonischsten Superyachten der Branche zu gestalten.


Unsere Expertise Erfahrene Yachtmanager Kümmern Sich Um Jedes Detail Des Betriebs

Unser engagiertes Team aus technischen Leitern und Yachtmanagern verfügt über eine einzigartige Kombination aus Expertise und Erfahrung und bietet Ihnen ein umfassendes Angebot an Yachtmanagement-Dienstleistungen, damit Sie sich bei jedem einzelnen Schritt entspannt zurücklehnen können.

Lerne unser Yachtmanagement-Team kennen
Ocean Independence stand pillars

Crew-Etikette und Butlerausbildung

Yachting ist ein exklusives Luxuserlebnis, bei dem die höchsten Servicestandards erwartet werden. Um die Erwartungen zu übertreffen, benötigt die Yachtbesatzung eine hoch engagierte professionelle Ausbildung in allen Bereichen.

Da sich die Schulung des Personals in seiner realen Arbeitsumgebung als weitaus effektiver als herkömmliche Präsenzschulungen erwiesen hat, hat Ocean Management praktisches Training mit dem erstklassigen Fachwissen von Hanspeter Vochezer kombiniert, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Crew Ihnen das bestmögliche Yachterlebnis bieten kann.

Erfahren Sie mehr
Crew training

FAQs Hier Finden Sie Die Antworten Auf Die Am Häufigsten Gestellten Fragen Über Das Yachtmanagement

Was bedeutet Yachtmanagement?

A luxury yacht management team handles all of the operational and maintenance obligations that come with owning a yacht. From regular surveys and refits to financial management, crew employment, and even legal and technical support - they are responsible for ensuring your yacht stays in top condition throughout your ownership.

Wie kann das Yachtmanagement mein Leben einfacher gestalten?

Taking the technicalities out of your hands, yacht management allows you to focus on enjoying all the perks of owning a yacht, without any of the stress. You can rest assured that the team will deal with any legal or regulatory concerns, as well as maintain the condition of your yacht. With an experienced team on-hand, everything will be taken care of.

Wie hoch sind die laufenden Kosten pro Jahr für eine Yacht?

It's important to emphasize that the running costs of a yacht can greatly vary based on factors such as the yacht's size, age, and usage. Generally, a rough estimate is that the annual maintenance expenses will be 10% of the yacht’s initial purchase price. For instance, for a superyacht purchased at EUR 20,000,000, the approximate annual running costs could be around EUR 2,000,000. However, this is a ballpark figure. To get an accurate estimate, don’t hesitate to contact an Ocean Independence yacht management expert by completing the enquiry form below.

Wie viel kostet das Yachtmanagement?

For fully serviced yacht management, you will be expected to pay a monthly fee, although the exact amount will vary depending on several factors, including the size of the yacht, the types of service included, the length of the agreement and the overall condition of the yacht. If you would like a quote for the management of your yacht, you can contact our team to make an enquiry.

Warum benötige ich einen Projektmanager?

Whether commissioning a new build or refitting an existing yacht, the process can be long and complex, with various regulatory standards that need to be met and timelines that need to be tracked. A superyacht project management team can help streamline the process and ensure everything goes to plan, so all you have to do is decide what your dream yacht looks like, and they will help bring it to life.

Was sind die Vorteile eines Yacht-Refits?

Refitting your yacht has multiple benefits. Not only does it allow for customisation and keeping your yacht in top condition, but it also helps in making her more attractive to charterers and future buyers, as well as maintaining a level of style and modernity that will help your yacht keep her value in the long term.

Was kostet die Umrüstung einer Yacht?

The exact expense of a yacht refit will depend on the changes being made and the size of the yacht, as well as her overall condition. Whilst repainting the hull can cost anything up to EUR 1,000,000, installing new decor or an on-deck spa pool can cost anywhere from EUR 50,000. If you’re planning to refit your yacht, you can get a quote from our global yacht management team: enquiries@ocyachts.com.

Wie lange dauert der Bau einer maßgeschneiderten Yacht?

The length of time it takes to build a custom yacht will depend on the shipyard, size of the yacht, level of customisation and complexity of the design. On average, it takes around three to four years to build a fully custom yacht.


Benötigen Sie Unterstützung?

Die Planung einer Yachtreise kann komplex sein. Viele Entscheidungen müssen getroffen werden. Unsere spezialisierten Berater stehen Ihnen zur Seite, damit Sie die richtigen Entscheidungen treffen.

Als globales Unternehmen mit 15 Niederlassungen weltweit stehen wir Ihnen rund um die Uhr zur Verfügung, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

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